Save the Swing was created in 1993 when founder Mike Ghareeb was currently working at Mesa Distributing Company. On a Friday afternoon, Mike was let go from his position of employment, on the same night, he and his wife were having friends over for a Dinner Party. In an attempt at some humor that night, Mike set up a collection box with a sign to read "Help Save Mike's Swing" Well after a few cocktails, Mike and his dinner guests put their heads together and the idea took wings.

A Board of Directors was formed, and the club was born. The Club consisted of local San Diego guys who have know each other since High School. The Club was active for 4 years and then suspended due to many of the Club members starting families. Now after all these years, we are re-established one of the best Clubs in San Diego. We have original Members along with new Members, and with the help of some great people, including a dedicated Board of Directors. We now have Save the Swing Golf Club back rolling again.


I would like to give a special thanks to Don Fontana. I know that there have been a whole group of people responsible for STS, but no one person has had more input than Don. From his creative development of this unique scoring system, to laying down the By-laws, it was Don who made sure it was done the right way. From all the Club members and the Board of Directors, we say "Thank You Mr. Don Fontana"

Thank you,

Michael Ghareeb (Club Founder)